Digital Assets and Your Estate Plan
For years, legal and financial professionals have stressed the importance of proper estate planning. We’re told that creating a will and taking all of the associated steps is the best way to…
For years, legal and financial professionals have stressed the importance of proper estate planning. We’re told that creating a will and taking all of the associated steps is the best way to…
Last year, the Queensland Parliament created new laws to address concerns about the labour hire industry. These laws (the labour hire licensing regime) took effect on 16 April 2018 when the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017…
When it comes to family law in Australia, don’t believe everything you hear or read. It is common place for facts to be misconstrued, either because of misunderstandings or highly emotive reporting of only one side of the story.
There is little doubt that separation and everything that follows is an overwhelmingly difficult time for all concerned. Being aware of the road ahead, in particular becoming better-prepared starts before the actual separation.
If you’re like most business owners, it’s likely that the sale of your business is going to go towards your retirement fund, yet, unfortunately, most owners are under-prepared…
Earlier this week the Federal Government announced that it would not proceed with any compulsory acquisitions of rural properties for its extension of the Shoalwater Bay Army Training Area….
(THE SUBCONTRACTORS CHARGES ACT 1974) When a head contractor in a construction or building project goes to the wall, the repercussions for contract builders and subcontractors can be severe.
Wills often include provision for beneficiaries to receive their distribution from the estate via a “Testamentary Trust”.
Under the Family Law Act (“the Act”), children have the right to know, be cared for by and spend regular time with both parents.
The Court has the power to make a separate order for the maintenance of one of the parties (“spouse maintenance”). The maintenance is either paid on a periodic basis or calculated…
A question we are often asked by clients is whether having assets in a company or a trust protects them when their relationship, or one of the beneficiaries’ relationships, sours.
Would your business survive?
Could you happily continue the business in partnership with the beneficiaries of your deceased partner’s estate (usually his or her spouse or children)?
A shareholders agreement is an agreement between the shareholders of a company that governs how matters that may arise between the shareholders will be resolved.
Electronic conveyancing allows your property transaction to be completed faster, securely and in a more efficient way through the online property exchange PEXA, with the documents needed for property conveyancing…
The Queensland Parliament recently passed legislation to amend the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994. Most amendments are designed to: