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adverse action claim

What is an Adverse Action Claim?

When we think of an “adverse action” claim, most people think of a disciplinary or termination of employment situation. However, legal issues can also arise when engaging a prospective employee and during the course of their employment.

lady sit alone and see hill

The Importance of Estate Planning Following Separation

When a couple decides to separate there are usually a lot of things to attend to at what is a very trying time. Working out where to live, how childcare arrangements will work, and what steps need to be taken to ‘uncouple’ other areas of your life are all time-consuming priorities to sort out.

having a will

The Importance of Having a Will

From the age of 18, having a will should be considered a serious priority for everyone. A will is a crucial document not only for its owner, but for all of that person’s family and friends.

spousal maintenance

Spousal Maintenance – Where Do I Stand?

Separation from your spouse or partner whom you have been financially dependent upon can be daunting. It may be particularly worrying if you’ve been absent from the workforce for a while and are unsure whether you will be able to obtain employment.