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Assessing Contributions in a Property Settlement

It is common during a marriage or de facto relationship that the husband, wife or partner made a greater financial contribution through their initial contributions to the marriage or relationship, during the marriage and even following separation.

Family Provision Claim

What is a Family Provision Claim?

A Family Provision Claim (FPA) refers to a claim which a person can make against a deceased estate if they have been left out of a will or have not received sufficient for what is described by the law as their “proper maintenance and support”.


Do I have to Leave our House when we Separate?

Usually on the breakdown of a relationship, one party moves out of the matrimonial home, leaving the other party to continue to reside in the property. But what happens if neither party wants to leave or one party wants to ‘evict’ the other?

Family Law Alert COVID-19

Family Law Alert – COVID-19

We are certainly in extraordinary times, however South Geldard Lawyers aims to provide legal services to our valued clients to the extent that we are able. Our office remains open for business.