South Geldard Lawyers
Top Ten Tips if You Are Separating
The top ten queries clients often ask. However, each client has individual circumstances which should be addressed in a fixed fee appointment with one of our Family Law Lawyers.
A List of Dos and Don’ts of Family Law
In this blog, we list down the dos & don’ts of family law. Seek Family Law legal advice if you are contemplating separating or have separated.
The lawyer’s role in your family law matter
It goes without saying that in life and legal practice, no other event or area of law involves as much sensitivity and trauma as family law.
Are vaccinations in the best interests of the children?
The modern day “water-cooler” talk seems to be who has been vaccinated, who has not, why not, when are they getting vaccinated and what version are you getting.
What Landholders Need to Know About Renewable Energy Projects
In this podcast, Special Counsel Clarrisa Moore explores factors landholders need to consider about renewable energy projects.
How to Avoid the Risks Involved in Buying a Home
In this podcast, Lawyer Tim Neville discusses the risks involved in buying a home and how to avoid them.
The Effects of Marriage, Separation and Divorce on your Will and Power of Attorney
What are the effects of marriage, separation and divorce on your Will and Power of Attorney? In this blog, we explain why seeking appropriate legal advice is essential during this significant time in your life.
The Difference Between Parenting Plans and Consent Orders
A parenting plan is a written and signed voluntary agreement between parties. It deals with the care, welfare and development of a child.
Family Reports in Parenting Matters
Going to court to decide family matters brought about by separation and divorce is a difficult and complex process. Learn more here.
What You Need to Know About Third Parties and Family Law Matters
A family law matter is between two people whose relationship has come to an end and need to decide on the division of property.
What are the Areas and Sources of Drone Liability?
What to Do When You Are at the End of Your Lease – 4 Things to Prepare
5 Things You Need to Do Before Signing a Commercial Lease
South Geldard Lawyers Director, Ben Wright shares 5 things you should pay special attention to if you’re considering leasing commercial premises.
3 Things Graziers Should Know About Grazing Cattle in the Greater, Great Barrier Reef Catchment Area
In this video, South Geldard Lawyers Director, Gordon Stünzner breaks down things graziers should know about grazing cattle.
Guardianship for Children in Wills
Anyone making a will who also has children needs to consider guardianship and how they will be provided for in this important legal document.
What You Need to Know About Buy & Sell Arrangements
In this video, South Geldard Lawyers Director, Ben Wright discusses buy and sell arrangements and why it’s an essential succession planning tool for companies and partnerships.
Statement of Wishes in Terms of How Children are Raised
How you wish your child to be raised after your passing can be detailed in a ‘Statement of Wishes’ that accompanies your will.
Beef Industry Update – Leasing Land, Agisting Cattle, Joint Ventures & Leasing Cattle
In this video, South Geldard Lawyers Director, Gordon Stünzner discusses the latest updates in the beef industry – leasing land, agisting cattle, joint ventures & leasing cattle.
How to Protect Your Estate from Being Contested
One of the most unseemly things that can occur after a loved one passes away is a family squabble about the terms of the deceased’s will.