A property settlement can be done any time after separation. However, time limitations apply if you need to bring an Application in Court for property settlement:
- For married couples, you must apply within 12 months of a Divorce Order becoming final;
- For de facto couples, you must apply within 2 years from the date of separation.
The process of working out how property is divided upon separation is complicated. Despite commonly held beliefs, there is no law prescribing an equal split as every case is determined on its own specific facts. Essentially, there needs to be:
- An assessment of whether there should be any alteration of property interests at all;
- An identification and valuation of assets, liabilities and financial resources (superannuation);
- Consideration of the financial and non-financial contributions that have been made by each spouse (including initial contributions, homemaker/caregiver contributions, lump sums) ;
- Consideration of each spouse’s “future needs” and any other relevant factor the Court needs to contemplate (including the ages and health of parties, care of children, earning capacities).
- Consideration of whether the proposed split is “just and equitable” in the circumstances.
Property is broadly defined to capture anything of value and commonly includes:
- House, Land
- Cars, Boats, Motorcycles etc
- Household furniture
- All Bank accounts
- Superannuation
- Shares and Other Investments
- Intellectual Property with market value (such as a patent, trademark, copyright)
- Unused annual leave and long service leave entitlements
- Businesses (partnerships/companies/trusts)
- Tools of trade or other equipment
- And anything else that has a monetary value
We encourage parties to reach agreement about the division of property wherever possible. It is essential that any property settlement agreement is properly documented and finalised correctly so that it is binding and you can move forward with certainty.
Separate to a property settlement, there are some circumstances where a person has the responsibility to financially assist their spouse or former de facto partner if that person cannot meet their own reasonable expenses following separation. There is no formula to calculate the amount of spouse maintenance payable. If spouse maintenance applies, the amount is different in every case. The extent of the financial assistance depends on the higher income earner’s capacity to pay and on the financial needs of the lower income earner.
- Separation and divorce
- Property disputes involving parents and adult children
- Financial agreements (pre-nups)
- Parenting arrangements
- Child support and Adult Child Maintenance
- Personal protection issues involving domestic violence
- Mediation
- Surrogacy agreements
Flexible Legal Financing for Family Law Matters

South Geldard Lawyers has proudly partnered with JustFund to offer our clients greater financial independence, particularly through family law litigation funding. For some clients, it can be a struggle to afford legal fees and disbursements, and limited access to funding sometimes means the settlement process stalls and clients get stuck. This partnership enables our clients to access the legal assistance they deserve to settle their family law matters and move on with their lives without the burden of immediate financial constraints.
Extensive Experience
Our professional team has extensive experience in a wide range of legal areas. Our approach is one of planning and involvement. We will continue to be there to support you with accurate and timely advice.