Planning Your Industrial Arrangements
A good succession plan has the following characteristics: (1) It must be tailored. Each person and every family is different. A succession plan must be tailored to your specific circumstances.
A good succession plan has the following characteristics: (1) It must be tailored. Each person and every family is different. A succession plan must be tailored to your specific circumstances.
A good succession plan has the following characteristics: (1) It must be tailored. Each person and every family is different. A succession plan must be tailored to your specific circumstances.
Responding to an employment claim involving former or existing employees can be costly, extremely disruptive and, sometimes, inevitable.
Paper certificates of title are no longer evidence of legal ownership because of recent changes to the Land Title Act 1994 (Qld) which have transitioned from the land titles system in Queensland from a paper based to an electronic system.
One of the first and most important things to keep in mind if you are getting separated or divorced is that you can- and should- resolve your property and financial matters as soon as possible.
A number of our clients have recently received a letter from the ATO asking them about the soundness of their investment strategy.
In a recent post, we shared the basics about adverse action claims. Specifically, we discussed what they are, when an employee can make one and how they can do so. In this article we’ll talk about how your business can defend itself against an adverse action claim.
When we think of an “adverse action” claim, most people think of a disciplinary or termination of employment situation. However, legal issues can also arise when engaging a prospective employee and during the course of their employment.
Viewed one way, social media is a wonderful modern-day tool, capable of bringing people together and making the world seem much smaller than it really is.
Many people are unaware that if and when they die, the superannuation amount they leave behind is not treated as part of their overall estate.
When a couple decides to separate there are usually a lot of things to attend to at what is a very trying time. Working out where to live, how childcare arrangements will work, and what steps need to be taken to ‘uncouple’ other areas of your life are all time-consuming priorities to sort out.
You may be aware that the Palaszczuk Government have been forced to remove more than a third of its flawed trigger mapping designed to protect endangered or at least vulnerable plants. To learn more where things are currently at with the reversal…
ON THIS day last year, Rockhampton’s chief steward Luke Collins controlled hisfinalrace meeting, bringing the curtain down on a 10-year career.
The recent banking Royal Commission revealed that even in Australia’s largest, most reputable companies, there can be misconduct and illegal behaviour which it is in the public’s interest to know about.
Recent legislative changes in Queensland have changed the way landholders and resources companies will now negotiate a Conduct and Compensation Agreement (CCA).
In this podcast, South Geldard Director and Property Lawyer, Gordon Stünzner discusses the not uncommon “Give and Take fence” agreements arising between two rural property owners and considerations for ‘common boundary line’ disputes.
In this podcast, South Geldard Lawyers Director and Employment Lawyer, Ben Wright discusses a ‘Restraint of Trade’ from an employer’s perspective.
Recently, the federal government introduced the Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenixing) Bill 2018 and the Insolvency Practice Rules (Corporations) Amendment (Restricting Related Creditor Voting Rights) Rules 2018 in a heightened attempt to combat illegal phoenix activity.
Road accidents are shocking, disorienting experiences, made worse if it results in you suffering an injury. Thousands upon thousands of car accidents occur in Australia each year..
Being injured at work can be an enormously traumatic experience, suddenly depriving you of your livelihood while leaving you to deal with a sometimes chronic, long-lasting condition.